Temporary haitus of operation

Or Neow is temporarily closed for business and operations until further notice.

Thank you for all of your support all this time!

Updated Contact Form

Hi all! Please take a look at our updated contact form for some answers to frequently asked questions!

Click here for the updated contact form.

Size comparison of badges

Some enquiries have been made about the sizes, build, and etc of the pinbadges we offer. Here are a couple of photographs I've taken of the badges and keychains - front and back - for your reference.

Comparison of the badges along with a couple of coins.

Back of the badges.

Hope that clears some stuff up for those who have been wondering. I'll be putting these pictures in the services page as well, for future reference!

Mandarin and Japanese!

As you can see, we are in the process of translating some items in our blogshop into Mandarin Chinese and Japanese, in hopes of reaching out to an all-new audience in Singapore. :3 Please feel free to give us suggestions or contact us if you have any questions!



New Stock In!

New stock for the 2-1/4 inch badges are in, so feel free to enquire and order away! :D

For more information about pricing, please refer to the Services page.

Creative and Common Uses for Keychains and Badges!

The most common use that stays true to its name: chain it onto a key!

But why stop there? Attach it to the zipper of your pencil case or haversack! Catch the big, bad black cat whenever you need to unzip something!

Cover your bag with pinbadges of all shapes, sizes and designs whenever you're in the mood. Make it look completely new and different!

Pin the badges in a nice pattern on a piece of clothing and give it to someone special!

There are many more ways to be creative with your pinbadges and keychains, so why not try them out? Feel free to contact us if you have any questions! :)

New Service!

We've added a new service to our line-up: the custom round keychain making service!

Make a memorable photograph into a keychain which you can hang off your bags, zippers, and wherever else you can think of! Give it as a gift to someone so you can always cherish precious memories together!

Check out our updated Services page for more information and pricing!